I have always been a Window’s user. Perhaps I ought to qualify that statement. When I first started using a PC the competition was between the command line instructions of CPM or that system called PCDOS (later to be called MSDOS); colour was a choice between green, black and grey; graphics were either a vertical or a horizontal straight line and the full range of sound was a beep. So the grey rectangular shapes dividing output to the screen that were given the misnomer Windows (and emulating a similar presentation by a firm called Apple) felt like we were putting round wheels on our square wheel cart. Unfortunately this cart has now become a Viking Mission complete with own Jacuzzi. Fine if your daily usage is a trip to Mars and back, but more than a little overkill if you only travel to Fresco, Florence or the Philippines.
Overkill, I could live with if:
- The cost was not exponential (more software/more hardware; more hardware/more software ad infinitum)
- The system was secure. Despite Microsoft’s Internet Security Essentials, a firewall and an up-to-date anti-virus program, the b*stards still got through (I strongly suspect this whole virus/malware business epidemic to be the technological equivalent of the young boy standing next to the parked car with a brick in his hand saying, “Look after your car for a tenner, mister?”).
So I have scrapped my Windows 7 and installed Linux (Ubuntu) with all the needed applications. It is all FREE and SECURE.
And so what if I have to travel to Fresco, Florence or the Philippines in my own Ferrari? I am quite happy with that. Couldn’t you be too?
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