I.M.H.O. |<br/> From atop the pillar

Sunday, 20 March 2011


It has always struck me as a contradiction the phrase "in my humble opinion". Nothing that has attached to it the possessive pronoun "my" can be humble. When expressing an opinion we are viewing the world from our own perspective, however much it is filtered by so-called facts, evidence and argument. All this may sound very confusing and pseudo-intellectual, but all I am trying to express is my confusion as to how much I value what I think are my own opinions.
I have tried to consider the opposite of "my opinion" in order to shed some light on this dilemma. Surprisingly, I would contend that the opposite is not as you would automatically think, "your opinion". I would suggest that the opposite is "no opinion" in the religious sense of "no-ego" as expressed in Buddhism or contemplative Christianity. In other words "my opinion" is a negative way of expressing my relationship with the total lack of "my opinion" expressed particularly by Jesus in the Christian faith.
Does having "my opinion" have any value then?
I believe it does. In so far as we recognise its negativity, grounded as it so often is within negative emotions (fear, hatred, irritation etc.). By exploring this negativity, as we also explore our failings and our errors, we might gain some insight into the only opinion that really matters - Love.

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