Let go the branch...part II |<br/> From atop the pillar

Monday, 14 March 2011

Let go the branch...part II

One day, an atheist was walking along a cliff when he slipped and fell over the edge. As he plunged downwards he managed to grab the branch of a small tree that was growing from a crevice in the rock. Hanging there, swaying in the cold wind, he realized how helpless his position was. Far below were jagged boulders and there was no way to climb up. His grip on the branch was weakening every second. "Well," he thought, "only God can save me now. I have never believed in God but I might be wrong. What have I to lose?" So he called out, "God, if you exist, save me, and I will believe in you." There was no answer. He called again, "Please God, I never believed in you, but if you will save me now, I will believe in you from now on!"

Suddenly a great voice boomed down from the clouds, "Do you really believe in me?"
The man was so surprised, he almost lost his grip on the branch. "Yes God. I really mean it; I will believe."

 Finally God said, "Alright, I will save you. Let go of the branch."

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